Monday, December 10, 2007

So tall!

DSCN1412_2, originally uploaded by hollypennington.

Maya just can't wait to move - she is trying so hard to crawl and she loves to stand up too.

Little Shopper

DSCN1415, originally uploaded by hollypennington.

One of her favorite outings is the grocery store and she is even learning to push the cart.

Maya's special day

DSCN1408, originally uploaded by hollypennington.

On December 1, we celebrated Maya with returning to Point Defiance park in Tacoma, the special place where I told Drew he was going to be a dad exactly one year ago and where we opened the letter from the ultrasound tech to find out that she was a girl!

All bundled up

DSCN1407, originally uploaded by hollypennington.

Maya just loves to be on the go, even when it's cold outside. She and daddy take walks down to the mailbox all bundled up!

All giggles

The latest trick - giggling. And it's SO cute! She finds tickling and the song, Barbara Ann, particularly funny. Thank goodness for those Beach Boys.

Troy and Jenny

Another Thanksgiving blessing was having the privilege of meeting Troy's girlfriend, Jenny, and sharing a 2nd Thanksgiving feast with them the next day, complete with the longest and most intense game of Uno ever!

Thanksgiving with Aunt Jodi

Maya gave us a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! She had a wonderful first turkey day and she was especially grateful for a visit from Aunt Jodi! She loves hanging out in the Baby Bjorn and Aunt Jodi is already starting to teach her French AND Spanish!

Mommy and me

DSCN1394, originally uploaded by hollypennington.

I am having so much fun hanging out with Maya these days. I feel blessed to be able to work part time and get at least a little bit of Maya time each day. On work days, we spend the afternoons playing on the floor, listening to Ralph's World, reading books and doing stuff around the house with Maya in the Baby Bjorn. On my day off, we go to mom and baby group and then go out and about since Maya loves to be on the go!